Better Curriculum & Learning
The Early Childhood Education field is rapidly changing as more and more is understood about how children learn. We will be committed to constantly updating our programs to keep pace with the ever-changing experiences your child will have in kindergarten. Here, Lincoln Academy will lead the industry. Each curriculum is created by our own Education Department experts, who bring decades of experience in formal graduate work, teaching and developing curriculum. In addition, we consult outside experts in early childhood education and published material from nationally recognized sources.
Lincoln Academy offers lots of time for play through self-expression, imaginative play and exploring. Each classroom has access to a variety of toys and manipulatives, play doh, and other art materials. Our curriculum is carefully constructed so that it is age appropriate to meet the needs of each individual child.
We value each child for their unique self.
Lincoln Academy consults with the local elementary school and structures its programs to ensure all children leave with the necessary skills for a successful transition to kindergarten.
Both the three and four year old classes participate in free choice, circle time, centers, Music and Movement and outdoor play when weather permits.
Learning Objectives
Our curricula are based on age-appropriate learning objectives, which are used to create themes and lesson plans. Each curriculum offers teachers hundreds of activities to choose from, each of which is tied to a specific learning objective. Your child will not only make the developmental progress necessary for a successful transition to kindergarten, he will love the activities that get him there.